Presidium never misses on any opportunity for facilitating a better perspective to students. Considering the sensitivity of a common question 'What Next?', an educational workshop for the students of Class XIth and XIIth was conducted. It was led by the expert representativ...

Presidium Citation Ceremony to honor the first batch of leaders - the Grade XII Presidians as they move ahead to excel in new ventures. ...

Yet another shining moment for Presidium! Our young leaders are the first and the only school team who participated in the world's oldest, largest and most prestigious MUN, 'New York Model United Nations'. Young Presidians attended the MUN as student delegates. The program ...

We believe that each child is unique and is a treasure house of talents. It is our endeavor to provide training, exposure and a platform to help them discover and showcase to the world their talent. With this believe and aim, the Big League Academy organized the Second Inter Pres...

Starting from 14th till 16th November 2013, the grand Presidium MUN conference held at Presidium Ashok Vihar witnessed great zeal among over 200 students of Presidium & other schools of the NCR representing as delegates of the United Nations. The students were seen in high spirit...

Presidians celebrated World Food Day by enacting a story that conveyed the importance of healthy food. Some children personified healthy food items (such as apple, pomegranate, potato etc) and others as junk food (such as burger, pizza, chips, French fries etc). They clearly high...

Eight students of Presidium from classes VI-XII visited the Lords Ground between June18, 2014- June 28,2014 Our young turks were there for 12 days and participated in a cricket tourney organized by Sports Tour Exchange Management Limited, UK in collaboration with Vasco-da-gama...

28 Presidians of The Big League Academy, meet The Chairperson Mrs. Sudha Gupta before heading to a 12 day International Sports Oriented Tour to Sussex, England under the leadership of Mr. Paras Gupta, organised by Vasco Da Gama Educational Tours. ...

Well-organized, dynamic talent, unbeatable power and much more is what Presidium Annual Fest 2013 was all about. The celebration took place from 5th-9th December 2013 at Siri Fort Auditorium, Delhi in which each and every Presidian participated with great enthusiasm and passion. ...

Presidians believe in discussing, conversing and being inspired by the worthy thoughts of others. After attending Sanskriti MUN recently, the students are now participating in the Harvard Model United Nation (HMUN) 2013, which began on 15th August at the Hyderabad International C...